What is a Community Event Fundraiser?
A community event is a fundraising/promotional activity that is organized and implemented by a person or group outside of Covenant Foundation. While we do not participate directly in the planning or implementation of the event, we are happy to provide support and expertise throughout the event planning process. Please note that we do not incur any of the costs or liabilities.
Why host a Community Event?
Hosting a community events is a wonderful way to contribute to Covenant Foundation. It's your chance to make a difference!
Hosting a community event may provide your organization, business, or group with positive publicity! We encourage you to use these events to promote your organization, business, or group. Research indicates that leading a community event to support a charity enhances reputation and brand.
Boost your resume and/or school application! Organizing a community event requires an admirable amount of initiative, time, and organizational skills. Coordinating an event is an eye-catching volunteer activity for any employer or post-secondary program.
Where exactly will the funds go?
Funds raised for the Covenant Foundation will go toward the areas of greatest need as designated by Covenant Health through an internal grant process unless otherwise designated by the donor(s).
What are some examples of community events?
Almost anything! From large formal galas to tiny lemonade stands, we encourage you to organize any type of event that excites you. Click here for some ideas and inspiration!
What role will the Covenant Foundation play?
The Covenant Foundation, though not directly involved in the planning or implementation of the event, can provide...
Ongoing advice, support, and expertise.
Endorsement letters so that potential sponsors or supporters of your event will know you are fundraising on our behalf.
Promotions on our website and social media.
I still have more questions...
Let's talk! Contact our office at 780.342.8126 or [email protected].